An Engagement Shoot Worthy of Salute
January, 27 2017
Something old, something new, something military, something blue.
We took a few liberties with the old English rhyme dictating what a bride should carry or wear on her wedding day for good luck. But the words seem to be tailor-made for Audrey and Jordan’s pre-wedding session at the San Antonio Botanical Garden, captured by one of our very own Lily & Lime wedding photographers.
One of the things we love most about engagement photography is the way it lends itself to showing the happy couple as they are - where they live, doing what they love and wearing familiar clothing - allowing their individual personalities to shine through.
While Jordan looks professional in his Army dress blues, he is giving off a carefree vibe - We can tell he feels right at home in Audrey’s arms. As for the lovely bride-to-be - just look at that dress! The cobalt blue perfectly compliments Jordan’s uniform.
Just by looking at Jordan’s uniform, we’re able to learn a lot about this beautiful couple. So simple yet incredibly powerful, this one detail happens to tell us an entire story - no props required.
And the abundance of natural beauty surrounding the happy couple is the cherry on top of a perfect engagement session. From waterfalls to palm trees to vibrant flowers, we just can’t stop gushing over this botanical garden - we’re talking some serious eye candy here!
Additionally, the winding ivy makes for an exquisite backdrop - we’re all about working with our surroundings to create organic backdrops! The cement stairs flanked with flowers work well, too. We love the way the red blooms frame and complement the couple’s blue hues.
Blurred back and foregrounds are perfect for kisses and playful, unscripted moments. The nose-to-nose photos are just so sweet!
Even at a distance, the couple is unmistakable. With a battalion, Jordan may find himself one of many. But partnered with his bride-to-be, he ranks at the top of the charts.